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  • Writer's pictureJoshua Duvall

GovConJudicata Weekly Debrief (3/14–18)

This week's Weekly Debrief covers cybersecurity deterrence policy, satellite hacking warning from CISA and FBI, White House executive order on pay equity, FOIA guidance from Garland, and IRS seeking 200 technologists to help with modernization.


  • "The possibility of a Russian cyberattack getting beyond Ukraine into the territory of North Atlantic Treaty Organization members is forcing consideration of a longstanding policy recommendation for the U.S. to create a consistent doctrine for determining the appropriate use of force across realms cyber and physical."

  • "The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency and the FBI dispensed advice Thursday for protecting satellite communications networks, in a warning that follows a Ukrainian official saying that hackers struck one of the nation’s satellite systems."

White House

  • "The White House announced plans to address pay discrimination in federal contracting by limiting the use of past compensation in employment decisions. The move is part of a slate of presidential actions on Equal Pay Day. An executive order released on Tuesday directs the Federal Acquisition Regulatory (FAR) Council to consider limiting or prohibiting federal contractors from seeking information about job applicants’ past compensation, in addition to a series of actions the White House said are meant to enhance pay equity and transparency. "


  • "Attorney General Merrick Garland is directing agencies to apply a “presumption of openness” when processing open records requests, as lawmakers seek a major deep dive on the issues agencies face in complying with the Freedom of Information Act. The new FOIA guidelines issued by Garland on Tuesday also state the Justice Department will not defend decisions that fail to apply a presumption of openness. It encourages agencies to not just rely on one of nine exemptions that allows agencies to withhold information."


  • "The IRS is looking to hire over 200 technologists to help the agency with modernization as part of a broader push to hire up in the agency as it grapples with tax return backlogs, and a budget and workforce that have shrunk over time."

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