Joshua Duvall
GovConJudicata Weekly Debrief (1/25–29)
This week's Weekly Debrief covers movement from the White House on science integrity and minimum wage, technology modernization, Space Force acquisition, agency management practices, and SEWP V's success.
White House
"The Biden White House is doubling down on scientific and data-based efforts from the last two administrations with a new order on scientific integrity. The presidential memo, signed Wednesday by President Joseph Biden, builds on scientific integrity policies from the Obama administration and the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act passed and implemented under President Trump."
"President Joe Biden on Friday signed an executive order to boost the economy by pursuing a $15 minimum wage for federal employees and contractors."
"House Democrats are reigniting perennial efforts to boost funding for the Technology Modernization Fund as the new Biden administration makes IT and cybersecurity modernization a top priority."
Space Force
"The Air Force has reorganized its space acquisition office into three new directorates, but the critical (and controversial) question of whether a new, independent Space Force assistant secretary post will be established remains unanswered, says Shawn Barnes, who currently serves as the Air Force’s de facto space acquisition lead."
"Columnist Fareed Zakaria, in a new book on lessons from the pandemic, observes that the endless debates over the size of government faded during the pandemic and 'what seems to have mattered the most in this crisis was the quality of government.'"
"Agencies obligated $7.9 billion on information technology contracts under the fifth iteration of NASA's Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement vehicle during fiscal year 2020, a 41 percent increase from the prior year, Bloomberg Government reported Thursday."
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