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  • Writer's pictureJoshua Duvall

Federal OSDBU Social Media Links and Related Websites

For many small businesses, finding success in federal contracting can be challenging for a number of reasons. Two stand out. First, the government contracting marketplace is full of high-caliber performers, so small businesses will likely face stiff competition for contract awards. Second, to be successful, small businesses must become familiar with the complex maze of law and regulation that governs federal buying, as well as industry knowledge and "inside baseball."

Given the numerous challenges that small businesses encounter in federal procurement, each federal government agency has an Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization ("OSDBU") to assist, and advocate for, small business contractors. [1] Under the Small Business Act, every OSDBU is required to be managed by a Director of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization that, among other things, is required to:

  • identify proposed solicitations that involve significant bundling of contract requirements; and work with the agency acquisition officials and the Administration to revise the procurement strategies for such proposed solicitations where appropriate to increase the probability of participation by small businesses as prime contractors, or to facilitate small business participation as subcontractors and suppliers, if a solicitation for a bundled contract is to be issued;

  • when notified by a small business concern prior to the award of a contract that the small business concern believes that a solicitation, request for proposal, or request for quotation unduly restricts the ability of the small business concern to compete for the award – submit the notice of the small business concern to the contracting officer and, if necessary, recommend ways in which the solicitation, request for proposal, or request for quotation may be altered to increase the opportunity for competition;

  • make recommendations to contracting officers as to whether a particular contract requirement should be awarded pursuant to subsection (a) or section 637, 644, 657a, or 657f of this title;

  • consult with the appropriate personnel from the relevant Federal agency to assist small business concerns participating in a SBIR or STTR program. [2]

Notably, this is but a fraction of an OSDBU Director's responsibilities (the law lists twenty-one functions or requirements). Simply put, each OSDBU is there to help small businesses succeed in federal procurement!

To that end, and to help small businesses stay connected with various OSDBUs, government contracts expert Anna Urman, with input from Judy Bradt and Mark Amtower, created this wonderful chart of OSDBU websites and social media links.

Thanks, Anna, Judy, and Mark!

Small Business and OSDBU Websites:


[1] See 15 U.S.C. § 644(k) ("There is hereby established in each Federal agency having procurement powers an office to be known as the “Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization”.).

[2] Id.

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