GovConJudicata Weekly Debrief (5/23–27)
This week's Weekly Debrief covers IT modernization and TMF, Army's cloud plans, Space Force's Launcher contract, and NRO's awards for satellite-imagery contracts.
IT Modernization
"The Technology Modernization Fund, a revolving pot of money set up by Congress to support information technology upgrades, has received about $1.175 billion since its inception in 2017, with the bulk of that coming in the form of a $1 billion plus-up in the American Rescue Plan Act in March of 2021."
"A coalition of technology groups urged appropriators to invest at least $300 million in the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) for fiscal year 2023, along with additional funding to help agencies mature their zero trust capabilities."
"The Federal Communications Commission awarded 14 contractors positions on a $203.6 million contract for application development and modernization services Tuesday."
"The director of the Army’s cloud office said the service’s updated cloud plan will be made publicly available later this fiscal year as the service pushes to update it digital operations at home and in the field."
"Launcher won a $1.7 million contract from the U.S. Space Force that will assist the company’s development of a high-performance rocket engine for its small launch vehicle. Launcher announced May 25 it received the SBIR Phase 2B tactical funding increase, or TACFI, award from the Space Force earlier this month to accelerate work on the company’s E-2 engine. That includes full-duration testing of the engine’s turbopump and long-duration testing of the combustion chamber."
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