GovConJudicata Weekly Debrief (3/16–20)
This week's Weekly Debrief covers COVID-19 and its impact on government contractors, Federal cyber policy, NIST's suggestions for securing virtual meetings, and the Pentagon's legislative proposal for the Space Force.
NextGov – Government’s Maximum Telework Policy Overlooks Contractors
"This week the Office of Management and Budget issued a memo asking federal agencies and departments to offer “maximum telework flexibilities” to eligible employees. A top representative for the federal services industry says it won’t do much good for contractors—or public health—if contracting officers aren’t specifically told to modify the relevant legal agreements."
Nat'l Defense Mag – Tips for Contractors Navigating COVID-19 Pandemic
"As the U.S. government works to mitigate the devastating public health and economic ramifications of the novel coronavirus, federal contractors should be on alert for potential restrictions from state and local governments and guidance from their customers, lawyers from the firm Morrison & Foerster said March 19."
GT Law – Actions Federal Government Contractors Should Consider in Response to COVID-19
"With the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreading across the globe, efforts to contain it and to mitigate its serious health consequences are causing increasing disruptions to international and domestic business."
FifthDomain – Better data could be the missing link in cyber policy
"The government needs to collect and store better data to develop a more effective cyber strategy and strengthen defenses, Cyberspace Solarium Commission members said March 17. The Cyberspace Solarium Commission, which laid out several cyber policy recommendations March 11, suggested that the broader federal government and private sector adopt the Department of Defense’s defend forward policy, in which the DoD can operate on foreign networks, as part of a larger national strategyfocused on using both military and non-military tools to deter adversaries."
FederalNewsNetwork – NIST gives suggestions for keeping sensitive virtual meetings secure
"With more federal employees working from home, the National Institute of Standards and Technology gave advice on how to keep virtual meetings secure. NIST recommended limiting the reuse of access codes for web meetings and conference calls, and limiting the recording of meetings unless necessary. The agency also suggested using multi-factor authentication for meetings to discuss sensitive issues."
DefenseNews – The Pentagon has sent a new legislative proposal on the Space Force to Congress
"WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has sent proposed legislation to Capitol Hill that would help clarify the role of the Space Force and fill in some details on how the new service will be organized.But while the proposal was initially anticipated to answer some major questions — like whether the service will have a vice chief or how to incorporate the Guard and Reserve forces — the version sent to Capitol Hill earlier this month kicks most of those issues down the road."
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